Monday, June 13

Happy Birthday

So tomorrow is officially my mother's and my birthday and something must be seriously wrong with me. Why do I truly dislike my birthday. It is not the fact that I age because I really could care less if I get older. I think it is the attention you get and the need to continuously say thank you. I hate the gifts and the cards. I even find it slightly busy when the phone constantly rings from all the well wishers. Especially since the only response you can say is oh Thank you for calling me. Maybe I hate it because it was always a day I shared with my mom which meant that I had to either spend it with mom and do what she wanted to do, or have a miserable birthday. When I was little, my mom would throw birthday parties and do amazing things don't get me wrong. But after my 7th grade birthday, it basically became a mother daughter day which most teens absolutely hate. With the exception of my 21st bday and last year, I had spent every one with my mother. Kinda crazy. So it is fitting that tomorrow is a Tuesday night and I will once again spend my birthday with my mother. We have decided to tell mom that it is our day and see if she can enjoy one last bday because I am pretty sure that is what she has left. I uploaded a clip on youtube from when mackenzie was around 18 months roughly 3 1/2 years ago. (I finally entered the tech world of youtube videos-my user name is peevzy)Look at the laughter in her eyes and the smiling body language. Mackenzie was her light, she shining joy. My mom could be in the worst mood ever and when Kenzie came around, she became an entirely different woman. Even to this day, Kenzie has that effect (usually only when Mackenzie is being sweet though). Isn't it amazing how different she is in just a few short years. It is hard to believe that she was still functioning so well. In fact I believe it was mostly her crazy behaviors, fine motor, and grammar that were sliding downhill.

On a side note, if any of you have not had the pleasure of seeing memory people on facebook, please take the time to check them out. They are a closed group at the moment but once you are accepted, the world of Alzheimer's comes at you full force. You are surrounded by wonderful people that are experiencing much of the same things you do during the course of the Alzheimer's deterioration on you or your loved one. They are sympathetic, considerate, and ready to offer some advice or support.


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