She navigates like a champ-with a steady calm voice saying "turn left here. Turn left now. Um the turn is about to go-turn now. So calm-actually so calm I do not realize the urgency as I whip this 16 foot truck through the lanes to get off. Most importantly, she is a rock that I can lean on and someone that has so much I can learn. Thank you Jenn for all of it. I had a blast.
So we make it to Jefferson City at 8:30 and hit the bed early (well for me early was 11:30). Up at 6:45 and we continue on driving until we make it to Omaha Ne. She makes her flight back home and I travel to see another friend. We unload the motorcycle and other items and visit for a few hours. I still have a few more hours to travel that night so I leave at 8. I post something about all the corn I will be traveling through and my husband texts "Don't break down out there and watch out for those children" Not the greatest image I want in my head, but thankfully I never saw the entire movie. I make it to Mitchell South Dakota and crash at 3 in the morning.
My last leg of the trip: awaken at 7:30 travel to Pierre South Dakota to unload, got taken to lunch and spent time with another friend. On the plane at 4:00 and land in Orlando at 11:00. Finally, 1 1/2 hours in the car and I arrive home. I am hungry, tired, and very cranky but I manage to get 5 hours of sleep. I am going to bed now and get some rest since I did not today (Connor had blood drawn at 8:30 Doctors at 1:45)
Throughout all this, I would call my mother to tell her I missed her. It broke my heart that I could not tell her what I was doing or where I was. I reminisce of a time when I could share all the crazy details with her. Instead, I let her believe that I am very sick and not able to visit. She is not doing well-her recall of words is most notable-she tries though and does not want to give in to it. Everything is a color or that thing and she cannot give clues to what it is she is trying to tell you. The other night she wanted to tell me she was having a charley horse. Her description was similar to this: Those on the floor that you have. They help you with stuff they help you ummm wait they help stand. me: your feet. Her: yes those I hurt. They hurt. You know you had it its a ummm. I know its a um. ****** that thing on the feet thing. On never mind and then some yelling and crying. I cannot imagine what it must be like.