December 11, 2010 Photo Shoot with my mother
Did you miss me? I know, preparing all that food should have freed up so much of my time and it did. I was able to complete my schooling and I am proud to say that I am finished. Completely and utterly finished!!! I also am proud to say that I have graduated Summa Cum Laude as of Friday. I am so pleased with that title and know that I should not be so boastful. I just never thought I could make straight A's. Never once in my life did I accomplish that until now! I guess I just was not busy enough when I was younger. Anyway, now I can start looking for a part time job or something that can bring in some money since Jason and I stink at fundraising for Works in Faith. The best part is we are able to live off so little that we can give the majority of our income back to the people of this community. Like right now, we have six families that will do nothing for Christmas. I am going to try and raise $500.00 dollars to help buy some toys and Christmas food for these families. I am going to tug on heart strings right now and use my blog to motivate some of my readers to go to our website and donate anything they can. Help me raise the money to give these people a good holiday. You can even specify what family you want to help. Family 1: single mother with one daughter that has been robbed twice in the last three months. She has no money to even buy her prescriptions after paying all her bills. She was a nurse but due to an accident, her doctor will not release her to go back to work. Instead of collecting Social Security, she is enrolled in school to obtain a degree in some other field to help her go to work. Her daughter has had some horrific things happen to her and are too personal to mention. The house has a roof that is leaking and we cannot fix it because we do not have the resources to pay for the materials. Family 2: This is a family of four that often has six, seven, or eight in their home. They are a foster family that bring all sorts of children into their home. They recently had three little ones come into their home to celebrate the Christmas holiday and were unexpected. With the new additions, there will now be 7 children present. With a limited budget, they already have purchased the presents for the previous four that are in the house. These are children that have been uprooted from their home due to neglect, abuse, or both.
Family 3: This is a mother of three children that moved here unexpectedly. She found work within a week of moving, but due to the holiday season, was quickly unemployed again. She is looking for work and has secured another job but will not have enough to get the children anything for Christmas. Family 4: This is a mother and father of a two year old. The father recently got laid off from work because the contractor did not have work for him to do. He is looking for a job and has yet to find one (In our county, it is very very difficult to find work right now unless you know someone as I am finding out). Those are our top four, I will blog about the rest next week. Please if you can give anything, I can guarantee 100% of all donations will go to the families. As it is, I am using the $200 I would get for my paycheck for the last two months to go to some of the families food needs. Rather than buy the things I would like to get my children, I have gone to yard sales to buy their gifts and will do the same for these families. I will stretch your money to help these families. Consider mailing in the donation because then paypal does not get a %. While sometimes I hate that I cannot do as I want to for my children, they are never without. Even more amazing, is that compassion and desire my daughter has to give to others. She goes through her clothes and toys and gives without reservation.
Family 3: This is a mother of three children that moved here unexpectedly. She found work within a week of moving, but due to the holiday season, was quickly unemployed again. She is looking for work and has secured another job but will not have enough to get the children anything for Christmas. Family 4: This is a mother and father of a two year old. The father recently got laid off from work because the contractor did not have work for him to do. He is looking for a job and has yet to find one (In our county, it is very very difficult to find work right now unless you know someone as I am finding out). Those are our top four, I will blog about the rest next week. Please if you can give anything, I can guarantee 100% of all donations will go to the families. As it is, I am using the $200 I would get for my paycheck for the last two months to go to some of the families food needs. Rather than buy the things I would like to get my children, I have gone to yard sales to buy their gifts and will do the same for these families. I will stretch your money to help these families. Consider mailing in the donation because then paypal does not get a %. While sometimes I hate that I cannot do as I want to for my children, they are never without. Even more amazing, is that compassion and desire my daughter has to give to others. She goes through her clothes and toys and gives without reservation.
Back to this photo shoot: Things with my mother has been bizarre to say the least. Last week she was a mess. She now sits on the toilet with her pants on and shakes all the time. She no longer has the strength to get out of the tub and I have to pick her up. She could barely talk and would jerk her arms and legs. Movie night was frustrating because she did not watch the movie at all but rather asked me to stop it so she could tell me something only to forget. Then all of a sudden, the jerking, shaking, and nontalking stopped and she is the lady in the pictures above. Still unable to do much, still peeing on the toilet through her clothing, still losing her train of thought, but happy oh so happy. And loving. I do not think in all my years of my life my mother was as sweet and as kind as she is these last few days.
does not want it to happen but cannot figure out what to do to stop it. How her body is rejecting her thoughts and she cannot control her own emotions or movements. How she hears and sees people
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