I promised my dad I was heading to bed early and that was my intention. However, as always, I found more and more to do. Today was a pleasant day although I am rather sleepy. I did manage to get to work early and typed for a few hours. I realize that this job is not going to last long-just enough to make some money and then I will need to leave. The repetitive motion numbed my hand and cramped me for the next 13 hours. My hand and forearm is just starting to feel normal. I am sure that three days of it and my arm will be shot. I was surprised to see my hand fail me like that. I am hoping to get to the dr next week for my left should that I did something to last week when I jumped down from my attic. WHile I am there, I will find out a bit about my mother, a few things in her past report that bugged me. I also need to get my eyes checked because I am having a hard time driving at night now and my right eye never seems to clear-it always seems cloudy...
SO after work, I drove a friend to the airport. I was so blessed to have my father go along with me. It has been a long time since

we did anything together and I had a great time. He needs to realize that it is ok to have fun and to enjoy himself. It is hard because our first reaction is how we wish mom could enjoy this with us. I reminded him of the fact that going places with mom had never been fun to begin with. Family vacations and holidays were the dreaded words growing up and it is easy to forget the bad when you see her this way. I reminded him that if she were the way she used to be, there is no way we would be able to do this little trip or rather no way I would subject my children to it. She was such a control freak that if things did not go her way, ohhhhh watch out. Anyway after dropping off our friend, Dad, I and the kids went to Disney village. I love this place because it is free and the kids love it. It was so nice to relax with my father and watch him interact with my children.It was nice to see him smile. The kids love him so much!! The amazing thing is how much my daughter loves Gigi. She asks about her all the time and begs me to bring her over. She is so excited to have Gigi come play tomorrow.

I ended up going up to see my mother to count her money and while I was there, my dad could not resist showing me his new toy. I had a delicious cup of coffee from his new coffee pot. Dad was beaming from ear to ear-it is not often that someone buys someone a gift that is absolutely a perfect match. Thank you for making him smile even more!!!
Back at home and I actually negated all of my responsibilities, picked up a book, drew a bath, and relaxed. Now I am heading off to bed to watch a movie with hubby!!! Happy Turkey day everyone.
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