Hospice has been called in now that mom is in and out of our world. SHe still can talk occasionally and has retained her memory. We are blessed that she has not forgotten her sense of humor, her family, and her ability to use sarcasm. We still were ablet o hold on to a bit of the old mom and enjoyed the sensitivity and appreciation of the new mom. Hospice has given her 3-7 days as of Monday, but from the looks of today, she is in the active phase of death. My best friend is on her way down and I just hope she holds on long enough for Tori to say goodby. Thank you T for traveling all this way. You are truly my sister!! I love ya. Anyway, pray for us and my mother as we are traveling this unfamiliar road and pray for Tori for safe travels. I will post a bit more later. I just rather spend time with my children, my husband, brother, father, and mom.
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