What a crazy day yesterday. Started with a late start for Kenzie and I. Luckily I was able to get two children and myself up, dressed, fed, and to school within twenty minutes. From there, Connor and I took one of the teen mothers to the Dr's for her check up. Thanks to Dr. Khan we were in and out and I was on my way to meet a daughter of a hoarder that we are helping run an estate sale. Got home and made Connor a meal while April came over to spend some time with him. She is such an angel and a blessing. I am amazed at her abilities for being so young. Despite her 11 years, she acts as though she is 18. Not to mention she has such great manners and disposition. I leave to meet my dad to discuss cell phone plans and then back home to grab Connor and April to pick up Kenzie. Pick up my dear and then to check on Grandma Fischer. Run home, drop April off and get ready for mom's tonight. After Mom's, I am supposed to go sleep over at my friends house to watch her children because she will be induced tonight at midnight. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending how you look at it, she is being induced early and once again April and Pattie come to the rescue. They will watch the children until 8:30 and then bring them over to our house. I must say how blessed I am to have such a great husband. He is exhausted and tired from all these six day work weeks and yet he is still willing to watch five children, four of which are sick. Luckily for him, they all sleep. I go to my mothers and stay until 12:30 and arrive home. After fifteen minutes, child one is up and feeling quite hot-temp 101. Ten minutes later, child 2 is up-temp 100.5. Round two of medicine is given. An hour later and he is asleep only to have Connor up-his temp 100.8. Round three of medicine. Now two in the morning I head to bed. A short while later, I awake to hear my friend's son calling out for me again. His fever is now 99.9 and he is afraid of my dog. I call his father and get permission for him to crash with us. He is back to sleep and it is now 3. At the break of dawn, I hear a little voice calling out. Up I go to get their daughter situated with a video and back to bed for thirty more minutes until my own little girl is up and ready to go. Finally I decide that sleep is overrated and get up too. Right now 4 of the 5 are coughing, watching Tom & Jerry, and I am surprisingly awake. Breakfast is cooking, baby is still not here, but life is good. Next week I am definitely not doing much of anything :) or at least I think so.
Now about last night-my poor poor mother. Wow how quickly this disease is taking away all of her and I mean all of her. When I show up there, she looks completely confused and no sign of joy at all. I talk her into taking a bath. When we start the bath, I am amazed at how much she jerks and trembles as I aid her into the water. She does seem to relax and just soak up the water for a bit. When we get out, I try to get her to lift her leg to put her pants on and she just grabs her pajama's. After repeating this fifteen times or so, we finally get one leg on. We repeat the process with the other leg and finally she has her pants on. After dressing her, it takes us 50 minutes to pick out a movie. She hates that she cannot watch movies on her own and is dependent on us. She hates having to go to bed and she revealed to me that she will sit there at night starring at the tv since she cannot turn it on. At least she is trying to respect Dad and not wake him up for the movie. She calms down and we start the movie. The entire time she is thinking about what to watch after I leave, how to go to the bathroom on her own, why she cannot work her dvd player, everything but enjoying the movie. Towards the last ten minutes, she finally relaxes enough to enjoy the little left. After the movie, she is ok about everything and we choose her final movie for the night. I hate to see her so upset and distracted as she was last night. Tears came to my eyes at least twice because she wants to be so independent and hates having to rely on us. She was such a control freak and it drives her crazy having the control on us. when I left, mom was happy and content. Twenty minutes after I left, she calls hysterical because she thinks Dad woke up and turned on lights. I feel bad for Dad and wish we could get mom on some sleeping aid. Yet she is still too aware for us to do it to her. I know too well the frustration of interrupted sleep. Mothers especially are familiar with this phenomenon for at least the first three years of children's life. You never know when your child will wake up screaming or crying from a nightmare, throwing up on you because htey are sick, or just wanting mom's attention. It is so easy to forget how much they need you and depend on you. I can only image how Dad feels and do hope we can get her resting more easily at night for his sake.

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