So tonight Dad is enjoying the company of others in similar situations as ourselves and Kevin and I are enjoying the company of my mother. She is completely out of sorts tonight and fearful. I came up at 5:30 and she was so excited and happy. Kevin has that effect on her more than any of us. Even though she was up late last night with him, she was still interested in going out to dinner. We had a fantastic time and ended dinner in a pleasant mood. When we got home, I needed to shower-It was quite strange to shower and mom standing there staring at me. It was slightly unnerving. What was even stranger was when she decided to shower with me. At least she was clean and the bathing was easier than usual-just mentally bizarre.
We started watching sense and sensibility but she was so distracted. She was waiting for my dad to call and was starting to get panicky. That was all it took to change the evening. The longer that he was "missing" the more distressed she became. By 9 she was scared that something happened to him on the road and I tried to call him three or four times. Finally at 9:30 he called and that phone call helped her out greatly. She still has that desire to hear from him to know that he arrived safely-I mean to this day she makes me call her when I leave her house to let her know I made it home ok. I must remind dad to check in at least twice a day to make her feel like he misses her. During the phone call, she felt sad because she felt like Dad wanted to talk more to me than to her. I was able to pass the phone back and Dad did a great job making her feel better. She does not like dad being gone for sure. She says it is scary and unfamiliar. From that point on, she was very fretful and I could not leave her side for a second. She needed water, needed me to help her go to the bathroom, needed me to go with her for the dog, needed to get a snack, needed the air adjusted, needed new clothes, needed to wash clothes, needed new socks, needed a new lamp, needed her old lamp, needed....get the idea.I tried to call my husband to say hello and good night and she could not take it. It made her nervous. I am now sitting here...well she would like me to watch another movie so off I go hahaha

Hi there,What a lovely layout. It is odd how even though the Alzheimer's has taken most of their memories that of their spouses is still left. Your Dad sounds like my late father. HE took such good care of MOM. She misses being the Princes or maybe it is the feeling of familiarity or routine or the 50 plus years they shared. I know I miss him.I am glad to read others blogs there is a feeling of connection. Thanks for sharing, God Bless, Jewels
I am sorry for your loss and the difficulties you are faced with. Life is such a strange adventure and sometimes it is wonderful to find others that are in the same place. I thank you for reading my blog and will keep you lifted in my prayers!
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