What another fun filled week where I felt like I could not catch up to myself. Monday I had to bring the children in for a sweat test to check for cystic fibrosis. Luckily, I go the results today and it was negative. The other tests came back and both children now test positive for fecal fat meaning that they are not absorbing fat-surprise surprise. I mean who would think that a 4 year old weighing 28 lbs and a 2 year old weighing 22 lbs with absolutely no fat on their bodies does not absorb any fat? :) Connor goes in for an endoscopy and biopsy on Monday and we will hopefully have more answers in the next few weeks. After the long drive on Monday, I came home and went right to my mothers. Long night and little rest. Tuesday another busy day with multiple children coming to my home. This house has officially become a refuge for over 9 children and while I realize that they need us, sometimes it is exhausting. I drove two around looking for jobs and gathering items. Wednesday I drove Mrs Fischer to the doctors then drove up to the middle school or our dear Gloria. I met with her teachers and developed a plan. Children came over and I felt like a revolving door. Yesterday I helped a woman sort out items that she has had donated and was able to get some things for the two teen soon to be mothers. And then today-the day that beat all days. Wake up, drop Gloria off at school, drop Kenzie off at school, visit grandma and cook breakfast for her, phone call from middle school for Gloria, get home change Connor go get kenzie, get medical records for kenzie, get home visit with my brother and his friend, go home and two teens show up. gather them up to go get Gloria, meet with her teachers, bring everyone back to my house. Two more teens show up -one pregnant and the other needing community service. So now I have five teens, two little ones, and two adults. Two leave, another shows up to get some items from me. Another comes later to drop off some stuff. Luckily my brother was a dear and decided to cook dinner. Even more amazing is that there was plenty to feed everyone. So we all sit down to eat, Gloria, my two children, my hubby, my brother, his wonderful friend, Kayla, and Stephen. We finally get dinner served and eaten and off everyone goes. Many phone calls from my "lost children" and I am off to my mothers. Seriously my head is spinning and I do not have a moment to think. What is strange is that this is becoming the norm. We are up to 9 children/teens coming to our house and it just seems to grow. I do not understand how they find us-the two today rode their bikes over 8 miles to come spend time with us. How do you turn them away? So many of them come from dysfunctional families and are in need of so much guidance and resources. It breaks my heart that I cannot take them places and buy them necessities. One has no shoes literally cannot go anywhere because of the lack of shoes. Another one has no money for basic needs. The list of heartwretching stories is maddening. This one kicked out, that one out of school, another on probation. I did learn one thing today-multitasking and managing. My house was spotless after they all left. I put one in charge of the children, one in charge of dusting, another the mirrors and tv screens. Before I knew it, all the laundry was done, the house was clean, and the children were all pleased with themselves. I really need some prayers on this because selfishly I want my own house with just my children and time alone. I realize that it is not the way God wants it because he keeps bringing them to us. I may be losing two because I refuse to help those that are not willing to help themselves. I have had "the talk" with them and told them that if I do not see effort soon, I will help no more. They can come but I will not take them places, buy them necessities, or other things I do when they do not do for themselves.
I realize that what initially started as a blog for my mother has now become much more than that. I am sorry but more and more has changed. Anyway, tonight went well with my mother-she was calm and docile. She hates what is happening to her and realizes just how far she is slipping. She wants to be normal and have her life back. It is very late right now and I have a very busy busy day tomorrow so I must go and write more later. Night Night.
Remember to say some praises for the wonderful news about the children. Also pray that we get some answers with what is causing the malabsorption.

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