Oh how I hate the holidays. It just seems to be a time of stress and very little relaxing. I am not a fan of Easter any more than I am a fan of Christmas. While I truly believe in the reason for the holiday, I do not agree with how we celebrate it. Can anyone tell me how searching for hidden Easter eggs and baskets reminds us of Jesus and his sacrifice. Here is a perfect being, with no sin no evil in His life. It is not His death that touches my soul, however, there are others that have suffered worse fates than He. What is so unbelievable is that He took on all the sin at one time. I can not imagine what it must feel like to be responsible for a child abuser or rapist, or any of the other sins. He was perfect and suffered my sins so I could live in eternity. How do we thank him??? Not by continuous worship and praise, not with giving to others, not with honoring the Lords Day and spending time in fellowship with Him. We thank Him by chasing little children dressed in beautiful clothing collecting eggs, the symbol of fertility from the pagan gods. Maybe an hour sunrise service and a quick recollection of the three days.
Typically my Easter is like that described above. This year however, we did not have a plan. With mom in her sporadic ways, we could not finalize any ideas. I made a ham that Jason and I do not eat, butter beans, mash potatoes, glazing, and of course the Easter baskets. We have quite the day of deliveries ahead of us so I prepare the dishes, one for Grandma, one for my mother-Gigi, one for Murray, another for Ms. W, another for our adopted great grandma, some for my dad and the remainder for my children and brother. I head over to my grandmothers to deliver the first round of food. Children in tow, the plan is to go to Ms. W and then to my grandmothers but one phone call alters it. My mother is having difficulty with the phone so a quick detour is planned. She is upset at my quickness but I reassure her that we will see her when we get together to eat. I spend some time at grandma's and off to the house to prepare for the rest of the day. Jason heads out to Ms. W and brings her some food. During this time, my mother has called numerous times to myself and my brother. She is greatly upset because my father was supposed to drop off her dog at 11:30 and he was late. She also gets upset with me for no apparent reason. She informs me that she wants the Easter baskets back from the children since we are not all getting together to eat. I continue to invite her over but she refuses to leave the house. She tells my brother that she is going to Bakeract herself (I believe it is because she saw one get bakeracted and they had lots of attention bestowed to them) Phone calls in between the deliveries-back to my grandmother's to give my dad food for him and Murray. It has been decided that we will eat our own meal since the day has become to chaotic. One more meal to deliver and back home in time for a meal and bed. Phone calls continue and she has become much calmer. In fact, again she amazes us. She decides to walk to Murrays to check on him. Dad is over there and is able to walk her home and spend some hours watching the Office. The night ends rather peacefully and I may get to sleep before 1:00. I would have been asleep two hours ago but I had to finish a huge assignment. After I submitted it, I looked at the time stamp and realized it was not due until next Sunday... This week should be a bit easier with no school work to do. Sorry so non descriptive and weak. I can tell I am tired so off to bed I go.

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