Another relaxing day, I am getting spoiled. The weather was breathtaking, slight breeze with a coolness in the air. The sun was shining in typical Florida style, disturbingly bright. I was able to spend all day with the children playing outside with relatively no phone calls once again. One phone call at 11:00 from my mother to just say hi. As we were talking, she mentioned that she was upset with my father because he woke up at 6:00. She believes that he did it on purpose since he normally wakes up at 7:00. So on top of no drinks in the room, no sitting on the computer, no making little noises with his mouth, no going outside, no working on projects, no getting a snack, and no making coffee in the morning, he is now not allowed to get out of bed at 6:00. He must wait until at least 7 before rising. She did not like his answer-I cannot fall back asleep after I wake. His solution is to buy a coffee pot and a fridge to put in his room along with his laptop. This way if he awakens before the scheduled time, he will be self contained in his little corner of the house. If only he had installed a door to the outside...

Unfortunately, this little gal does not know when to keep her mouth quiet. A lesson she needs to learn from her brother. As my mother is ranting about this horrible and selfish dilemma, I mention that I do not wake up at the same time every day, neither does my husband or children, and neither does she. That was it-mom got upset and hung up on me. She has not called me since. However, she did talk to my father and by 8:00 tonight, he had managed to get sent back to Grandmama's house. Unfortunately, my mother would not allow him in at first and brought all his stuff to the door. All clothing removed from the suitcase, coffee without the top on, filters out of the bag, and all his other stuff. When Dad asked to get a few other items, reluctantly she let him in. Ironically, there was his suitcase empty which moments ago contained all his stuff neatly stowed away. Ah well-at least he is with Grandma to watch over her tonight. Must be tiring to have two homes. Rather low key night with little else happening. Tomorrow is another day.
For my father: "We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish. He was willing to die a shameful death on the cross because of the joy he knew would be his afterward. Now he is seated in the place of highest honor beside God's throne in heaven" Hebrews 12:2
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